

Essential of Islam – Fard Ulum Course Date: February 21, 2024

Key Points

Wiping and Washing During Wudu:

  1. If an injury or bandage prevents washing, wiping over the bandage or cast is permissible.
  2. Wiping over visible skin between bandages is sufficient if washing is harmful.
  3. Unlike wiping over leather socks, wiping over bandages is out of necessity and not subject to time limits.
  4. Wiping three times with a fresh wet hand equals one wash if regular washing is difficult.

Women’s Hygiene-Related Topics:

  1. Types of Vaginal Blood:
    • Haid (Menstruation): Minimum 3 days, average 5, maximum 10.
    • Nifas (Postnatal Bleeding): Maximum 40 days, no minimum.
    • Istihaza (Abnormal Bleeding): Irregular or excessive bleeding beyond Haid or Nifas limits.
  2. Rulings During Haid and Nifas:
    • Prohibited: Salah, fasting, Quranic recitation, mosque entry, sexual intercourse, and touching the Quran directly.
    • Exceptions for fasting: Missed fasts must be made up; Salah is exempt from makeup.
  3. Permissible Activities:
    • Dhikr, Du’a, and Durood Sharif.
    • Cooking, serving, and other non-worship activities are allowed.
  4. Clarifications for Masjid Entry:
    • Women in Haid or Nifas may not enter designated prayer areas but can access non-sacred sections if necessary.
  5. Sexual Intercourse Rulings:
    • Prohibited during Haid or Nifas.
    • Permissible after the cessation of bleeding and either Ghusl, Tayammum, or after a prayer becomes obligatory.

Quranic References and Hadith:

  • Quranic Reference: Not directly mentioned but implied in rulings like the prohibition of Salah during impurity.
  • Hadith Reference:
    • Hadith from Ibn Majah prohibiting certain activities during impurity (e.g., mosque entry, Tawaaf, etc.).
    • General rulings align with Hadith about Tahara (purity) in times of necessity.

Identified Questions and Answers

  1. Wiping Over Bandages:
    • Q: Is wiping over a cast permissible if one was not in a state of Wudu before the injury?
    • A: Yes, it is permissible to wipe over the cast even if Wudu was not performed before applying it.
  2. Menstrual Restrictions:
    • Q: Are women in Haid allowed to perform household tasks or send Salaam?
    • A: Yes, these are permissible. Only acts like Salah, fasting, and Quran recitation are restricted.
  3. Room with Pictures During Salah:
    • Q: If images in a room are not fully concealed (e.g., in a partially open drawer), is Salah valid?
    • A: Yes, as long as the image is covered and not visible during Salah.
  4. Recommended Actions During Haid:
    • Q: What should women recite during Haid at bedtime?
    • A: Dhikr, Durood Sharif, and Kalima are recommended.

Summary of the Document

This document provides detailed guidance on Islamic rulings related to purity (Tahara), particularly during situations where regular acts like Wudu or Ghusl are hindered by injuries or medical conditions. It also elaborates on women-specific rulings concerning Haid (menstruation), Nifas (postnatal bleeding), and Istihaza (abnormal bleeding), highlighting permissible and prohibited actions during these times. Questions from students are addressed, offering clarity on real-world applications, such as dealing with images during Salah or permissible recitations during Haid. The discussions emphasize maintaining Tahara under challenging circumstances while respecting Islamic principles.

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