

Essential of Islam – Fard Ulum Course Date: August 16, 2023

Key Points

  1. Salah and Sunnah:
    • Salah has distinct categories of actions: Fard (obligatory), Wajib (necessary), and Sunnah (recommended).
    • Understanding these distinctions aids in categorizing what is permissible or mandatory under different circumstances.
  2. Sunnah Actions in Salah:
    • Specific Sunnah actions include raising hands for Takbeer-e-Tahreema, maintaining posture, and reciting specific supplications like Subhanakallahumma.
    • Differences in methods for men and women are emphasized, such as placement of hands during Rukoo.
  3. Proper Timing of Salah:
    • Delaying certain prayers (e.g., Zuhur in extreme heat) is supported by prophetic guidance (Hadith).
    • The optimal time for prayers like Isha is clarified based on various interpretations.
  4. Hadith Sciences:
    • Explanation of terms like SahihDa’if, and conditions set by compilers like Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim.
    • Understanding the classification and credibility of Hadith strengthens knowledge of Sunnah.
  5. Importance of Following Sunnah:
    • Emulating Rasulullah ﷺ ensures prayers are not only valid but also accepted in the court of Allah عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ.
    • Preservation of specific practices by Sahaba and scholars emphasizes the importance of adhering to details.
  6. Gender Differences in Prayer:
    • Men and women have distinct guidelines for physical gestures like hand placement and bowing in Rukoo and Sajdah.
  7. Practical Considerations:
    • Flexibility in Sunnah, like adjusting hand gestures in extreme conditions, demonstrates adaptability in Islamic practices.

Quranic References

  • None explicitly mentioned in this document.

Hadith References

  • Encouragement for:
    • Delaying Zuhur prayer during extreme heat due to its association with the breath of Jahannam.
    • Rasulullah ﷺ’s practice of praying Isha at one-third of the night and delaying it, balancing ease for the Ummah.

Questions and Answers

Question: What if someone ignores Sunnah in every Salah since it is neither Fard nor Wajib?
Answer: Ignoring Sunnah places the person in a risky situation as the goal is not just validity but acceptance of Salah by Allah عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ. Following the example of Rasulullah ﷺ increases the likelihood of acceptance.

Question: Are there categories like Sunnah Mu’akkadah within Salah?
Answer: No distinct category exists in Salah; all Sunnah actions are grouped together. Highly emphasized actions are classified as Wajib.

Question: What is the method of moving into Salah after Sunnah ghair mu’akkadah?
Answer: No Takbeer-e-Tahreema is repeated; one transitions directly into recitations like Subhanakallahumma.


This document explores the nuances of Salah within Islamic teachings, focusing on Sunnah practices, their significance, and practical implications. The discussions emphasize emulating Rasulullah ﷺ for the best spiritual outcome and preserving the practices detailed by Sahaba and scholars. Practical guidance is provided for various scenarios, reflecting the flexibility and depth of Islamic jurisprudence. Additionally, insights into Hadith sciences enrich the understanding of Sunnah, reinforcing its role in a believer’s daily life.

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