

Essential of Islam – Fard Ulum Course Date: December 13, 2023

Key Points and Summary:

Main TopicKitab-ul-Tahara (Book of Purification)

  • Focused on water purification for Wudu and Ghusl.
  • Derived from classical Islamic texts, with translation and notes for better understanding.
  • Sources of water permissible for purification: rainwater, ocean water, river water, melted snow, hail, spring water, and well water.

Water Categories:

  1. Pure and Purifying (Tahur Mutahir Ghair Makruh):
    • Ideal for Wudu and Ghusl.
    • Includes natural water sources like oceans and rivers.
  2. Pure and Purifying but Disliked (Tahur Mutahir Makruh):
    • E.g., water drunk by domestic animals (cats, etc.).
    • Avoid if other options are available.
  3. Pure but Not Purifying (Tahur Ghair Mutahir):
    • Used water (e.g., previously used for Wudu).
  4. Impure Water (Ma Najas):
    • Contaminated by substances like urine or blood.
    • Applies to small bodies of water (less than 10×10 arm lengths) unless flowing.
  5. Doubtful Water (Ma Mushkuk):
    • Water drunk by animals like donkeys or mules.
    • Use it for Wudu when no other water is available, followed by Tayammum.

Hadith and Islamic Rulings on Water:

  • Water remains pure unless its taste, color, or smell changes due to impurities.
  • Flowing water and large bodies of water retain purity despite impurities unless noticeable effects are present.

Key Terms:

  • Tahir: Pure.
  • Mutahir: Purifying.
  • Makruh: Disliked but permissible.
  • Najis: Impure.
  • Mushkuk: Doubtful purification status.

Quranic and Hadith References:

  • Quran emphasizes cleanliness and purification.
  • Hadith mentions rulings on permissible and impermissible water.

Question and Answer Highlights:

  1. Q: Can salty ocean water be used for Wudu?
    A: Yes, it is permissible and purifying.
  2. Q: Does chlorine in swimming pools affect water’s purifying ability?
    A: Chlorine does not impact its flow or thinness, so it remains usable unless its properties are completely overwhelmed.
  3. Q: What happens if water changes due to solids like sand or liquids like milk?
    A: If solids or liquids overwhelm the water, it loses its purifying status.
  4. Q: Is water drunk by animals like donkeys permissible?
    A: It is doubtful; perform Tayammum along with Wudu if no other water is available.
  5. Q: What about water in small bodies like pools where impurity mixes?
    A: It becomes entirely impure. Larger or flowing water is only impure where the impurity’s effects are visible.

Practical Applications:

  • Using Beach or Ocean Water: Permissible for Wudu except in visibly contaminated areas.
  • Mixing Hot and Cold Water: Avoid direct hand contact with the water to prevent it from being classified as “used.”
  • Leftover Water (Soot):
    • Permissible: Human, horse, and edible animals.
    • Makruh: Cats, chickens, and predatory birds.
    • Najis: Dogs, pigs, and predatory land animals.

Important Considerations:

  • Depth matters for large bodies of water; shallow water that reveals the floor upon scooping is considered small.
  • In scarcity, use doubtful water with Tayammum.

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