December 14, 2024
Key Points:
- Salah and Clothing:
- Folding clothes specifically for Salah is discouraged.
- Wearing clothes with images of animate beings (humans or animals) is makrooh tahreemi (highly disliked, approaching prohibition); the Salah must be repeated.
- Logos or designs without distinguishable facial features are generally permissible.
- Toys meant for children to play with are permissible; however, toys kept for decoration are problematic if they contain animate images.
- Tasweer (Images of Animate Beings):
- Making or using images of humans or animals is prohibited (haram), as it infringes upon Allah’s unique role as the Creator.
- Images of inanimate objects (e.g., trees, flowers) are permissible.
- Photos of humans from angles where facial features are indistinct (e.g., side or back) are allowed.
- Makrooh Acts During Salah:
- Running to join Salah: walk calmly, except for Jumu’ah, where promptness is encouraged.
- Wearing work clothes when clean alternatives are available.
- Praying in front of distractions (e.g., books, images).
- Removing minor inconveniences (e.g., dirt, sweat) during Salah unless they disturb concentration.
- Not wearing a cap out of laziness or disrespect.
- Jumu’ah Specific Rulings:
- Missing the khutbah due to unavoidable reasons does not invalidate the Salah.
- Promptness to the khutbah is emphasized in the Quran.
- Reward for Salah depends on sincere intention and effort to attend.
- Prohibited Image Placement During Salah:
- Images in positions of respect (e.g., on walls, ceilings) during Salah are makrooh tahreemi.
- Hidden images (e.g., in pockets) are permissible.
Quranic References:
- Al-Halal and Al-Haram: “The lawful is clear, and the unlawful is clear.” (Hadith reference included for clarity of halal and haram rulings)
Hadith References:
- On Intention: “Indeed, actions are judged by intentions.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
- Running to Salah: Hadith discourages rushing, emphasizing calmness to preserve the dignity of worship.
- Images and Shirk: Prohibition linked to avoiding shirk, as reverence for images could lead to idolatry.
Questions and Answers:
- Q: Can clothing with images be hidden during Salah, such as under a robe?
- A: Yes, if the image is completely concealed, the Salah is valid.
- Q: What about logos on socks, such as Puma, where the image is visible?
- A: If the logo is indistinct or on the sole, it is not considered haram.
- Q: Is it permissible to pray with a badge containing an image tucked into a pocket?
- A: Yes, as long as the image is fully hidden.
- Q: What should one do if they miss the Jumu’ah khutbah but catch the Salah?
- A: The Salah remains valid; the khutbah is a responsibility of the imam, not the individual.
- Q: Can toys or decorations with images be kept in a house?
- A: Toys meant for play are permissible; however, decorative toys or images displayed as honor should be avoided.